Tag: php

  • Migrating a LAMP VPS

    I recently switched my LAMP virtual server to a different VPS provider.

    The LAMP server that is serving you this site. So the migration worked!

    Here are the steps, for future reference. Mostly for myself, but maybe you — someone who came here from Google — can use this too. This should work on any small to medium sized VPS.

    Let’s go!

    Lower your DNS records TTL value

    When you switch to a new VPS, you will get a new IP address (probably two: IPv4 an IPv6). And you probably have one or more domain names, that point to that IP. Those records will have to be changed for a successful migration.

    You need to prepare your DNS TTL.

    To do this, set your DNS TTL to one minute (60 seconds), so when you make the switch, your DNS change will be propagated swiftly. Don’t change this right before the switch of course, it will have no effect. Change it at least 48 hours in advance of the change.

    Set up a new VPS with the same OS

    Don’t go from Ubuntu to Debian or vice-versa if you don’t want any headaches. Go from Debian 10 to Debian 10. Or CentOS 8 to CentOS 8. Or what have you.

    This blog focusses on Debian.

    Install all your packages: Apache, MySQL, PHP and what else you need.

    My advice is to use the package configs! Do not try to to copy over package settings from the old server, except where it matters, more on that later.

    This starts you fresh.


    Just install PHP from package. Maybe if you have specific php.ini settings change those, otherwise you should be good to go. Most Debian packages are fine out of the box for a VPS.

    I needed the following extra packages:

    apt-get install php7.4-gd php7.4-imagick php7.4-mbstring php7.4-xml php7.4-bz2 php7.4-zip php7.4-curl php7.4-mysql php-twig


    apt-get install mariadb-server

    Run this after a fresh MariaDB installation


    Now you have a clean (and somewhat secure) MariaDB server, with no databases (except the default ones).

    On the old server you want to use the following tool to export MySQL/MariaDB user accounts and their privileges. Later we will will export and import all databases. But that is just data. This tool is the preferred way to deal with the export and import of user accounts:


    This generates a bunch of GRANT queries that you can run on the new server. Run this on the new server (or clean them up first if you need to, delete old users etc.). So that after you import the databases, all the database user rights will be correct.

    Set this on the old server, it helps for processing later.

    SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0

    Rsync all the things

    This is probably the most time consuming step, my advice is to do it once to get a full initial backup, and once more right before the change to get the latest changes: which will be way faster. Rsync is the perfect tool for this, because it is smart enough to only sync changes.

    Make sure the new server can connect via SSH (as root) to the old server: my advice is to deploy the SSH keys (you should know how this works, otherwise you have no business reading this post ;)).

    With that in place you can run rsync without password prompts.

    My rsync script looks like this, your files and locations may be different of course.

    Some folders I rsync to where I want them (e.g. /var/log/apache) others I put them in a backup dir for reference and manual copying later (e.g. the complete /etc dir).

    #Sync all necessary files.
    #Homedir skip .ssh directories!
    rsync -havzP --delete --stats --exclude '.ssh' root@ /home/jan/
    #root home
    rsync -havzP --delete --stats --exclude '.ssh' root@ /root/
    #Critical files
    rsync -havzP --delete --stats root@ /home/backup/server.piks.nl/var/lib/prosody
    rsync -havzP --delete --stats root@ /home/backup/server.piks.nl/var/spool/cron/crontabs 
    #I want my webserver logs
    rsync -havzP --delete --stats root@ /var/log/apache2/
    #Here are most of your config files. Put them somewhere safe for reference
    rsync -havzP --delete --stats root@ /home/backup/server.piks.nl/etc/
    #Most important folder
    rsync -havzP --delete --stats root@ /var/www/

    You run this ON the new server and PULL in all relevant data FROM the old server.

    The trick is to put this script NOT in /home/jan or /root or any of the other folders that you rsync because they get be overwritten by rsync.

    Another trick is to NOT copy your .ssh directories. It is bad practice and can really mess things up, since rsync uses SSH to connect. Keep the old and new SSH accounts separated! Use different password and/or SSH keys for the old and the new server.


    If you installed from package, Apache should be up and running already.

    Extra modules I had to enable:

    a2enmod rewrite socache_shmcb ssl authz_groupfile vhost_alias

    These modules are not enabled by default, but I find most webservers need them.

    Also on Debian Apache you have to edit charset.conf and uncomment the following line:

    AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

    After that you’re good to go and can just copy over your /etc/apache2/sites-available and /etc/apache2/sites-enabled directories from your rsynced folder and you should be good to go.

    If you use certbot, no problem: just copy /etc/letsencrypt over to your new server (from the rsync dump). This will work. They’re just files.

    But for certbot to run you need to install certbot of course AND finish the migration (change the DNS). Otherwise certbot renewals will fail.

    Entering the point of no return

    Everything so far was prelude. You now have (most of) your data, a working Apache config with PHP, and an empty database server.

    Now the real migration starts.

    When you have prepared everything as described here above, the actual migration (aka the following steps) should take no more than 10 minutes.

    • Stop cron on the old server

    You don’t want cron to start doing things in the middle of a migration.

    • Stop most things — except SSH and MariaDB/MySQL server — on the old server
    • Dump the database on the old server

    The following one-liner dumps all relevant databases to a SINGLE SQL file (I like it that way):

    time echo 'show databases;' | mysql -uroot -pPA$$WORD | grep -v Database| grep -v ^information_schema$ | grep -v ^mysql$ |grep -v ^performance_schema$| xargs mysqldump -uroot -pPA$$WORD --databases > all.sql

    You run this right before the migration. After you have shut down everything on the old server (except the MariaDB server). This will dump all NON MariaDB specific databases (i.e. YOUR databases). The other tables: information_schema, performance_schema and mysql: don’t mess with those. The new installation has created those already for you.

    If you want to try and export and import before migration, the following one-liner drops all databases again (except the default ones) so you can start fresh again. This can be handy. Of course DO NOT RUN THIS ON YOUR OLD SERVER. It will drop all databases. Be very, very careful with this one-liner.

    mysql -uroot -pPA$$WORD -e "show databases" | grep -v Database | grep -v mysql| grep -v information_schema| gawk '{print "drop database " $1 ";select sleep(0.1);"}' | mysql -uroot -pPA$$WORD

    • Run the rsync again

    Rsync everything (including) your freshly dumped all.sql file. This rsync will be way faster, since only the changes since the last rsync will be synced. Next: import the dump in the new server

    mysql -u root -p < /home/whereveryouhaveputhisfile/all.sql

    You now have a working Apache server and a working MariaDB server with all your data.

    Don’t even think about copying raw InnoDB files. You are in for a world of hurt. Dump to SQL and import. It’s the most clean solution.

    • Enable new crontab

    Either by copying the files from the old server or just copy paste the crontab -l contents.

    • Change your DNS records!

    After this: the migration is effectively complete!
    Tail your access_logs to see incoming requests, and check the error log for missing things.

    tail -f /var/log/apache2/*access.log

    tail -f /var/log/apache2/*error.log


    I also needed exim4 on my new server. That’s easy enough.

    apt-get install exim4

    cp /home/backup/server.piks.nl/etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf

    Update: it turned out I had to do a little bit more than this.

  • Corbin: static responsive image and video gallery generator

    Corbin: static responsive image and video gallery generator

    In classic yak shaving fashion; this weekend I created a static responsive image gallery generator.
    It’s one PHP file that — when run from the command line — generates a clean, fast and responsive (aka mobile friendly) video and image gallery with navigation from a directory of images and videos. The output is one single index.html file.

    The generator itself is a single PHP file (~300 LOC). And running it on a sample folder with images and videos looks like this:

    mintty_2021-11-22_19-33-42.png (904Γ—1311)
    Notice it converts .mov files to .mp4 which are playable in the browser

    The above generates one single index.html, that looks like this on a desktop browser:


    • The evenly spaced grid with a mix of portrait and landscape images also evenly spaced
    • The Fancybox image animations
    • The navigation buttons
    • The slider at the bottom
    • The indication of video files with a SVG play button
    • The autoplay of video files
    • How the user doesn’t leave the gallery page

    In the above example I use both the mouse and keyboard for navigation, both are possible.

    Here you can look at the sample gallery yourself.

    What does it do?

    Here’s what the generator does:

    • Checks for image orientation (landscape vs portrait) issues and fixes those.
    • Generates thumbnails from valid images (png/jpg etc.) with respect to orientation.
    • Converts non-web friendly video formats (3gp/mov) to mp4 with ffpmeg (few other tools do this!).
    • Adds a play button overlay to video files, to make them stand out.
    • Generates one index.html file, that together with your image and thumb folder constitute your gallery: copy it to any webserver and it will run, you don’t even need PHP to the gallery (hence static).
    • Generates a nice looking, evenly spaced, grid with thumbs that point to your images and videos and that looks good on mobile.
    • Uses Fancybox to pop and animate images and videos in a container with navigation.
    • Single PHP file that does everything (~300 LOC), you need FFmpeg to process videos, and it pulls in Fancybox via CDN.

    Why did I make Corbin?

    Because it’s fun, and because I was looking for a way to quickly share a folder of images and videos, with nice previews (i.e. thumbs), that also is viewable on a smartphone — and that is *not* Google Photos. Most solutions can’t do that.

    Other things I wanted:

    • Portable generator: one single PHP file is just that. It will run on any server with PHP 7.x and FFmpeg.
    • Portable output: one self-contained index.html file, one images folder, one thumbs folder. That’s it. There is no database or a bunch of help files (e.g. CSS).
    • Something understandable: most other solutions are more complex or clutter your system with files. This tool does not touch the original image folder, it just creates one thumb dir and one html file (converted videos also get saved in the original image folder).
    • Something malleable. E.g. it’s pretty easy to add the file names to the index.html. Just edit one line of CSS.


    Yes, because:

    • Anton Corbijn is my favorite photographer
    • Corbin sounds like core bin aka core binary. And this tool does one core thing for me.
    • According to Urban Dictionary a corbin “is a very trust worthy , funny and amazing person”!

    What’s next?

    Corbin does what I need for now. Things that might be added later:

    • Recursive folder gallery generation.
    • Sorting options for images (name, date etc.).
    • Pagination?
    • More templating options?
    • On successive runs don’t convert mp4 videos or regenerate thumbs.
    • More error checking (file types etc.), much more error checking.

    I know there are tons of solutions out there, but this one is mine. And it does exactly what I want.

    Feel free to poke around! I assure you there are bugs.

  • Cruddiy: table relationship support via foreign keys

    Read here what Cruddiy is and what it can do for you: here is the code.

    TLDR: Cruddiy is no-code Bootstrap 4 PHP form builder for MySQL tables.

    I started Cruddiy when the Covid-19 lockdowns happened this spring, to keep me busy. And I released it on GitHub. After 25 stars 🀩 and 13 forks on GitHub and a couple of really encouraging messages on the original Cruddiy post, I thought it was time for an update.

    πŸ₯³ Cruddiy now supports table relationships via foreign keys. πŸ₯³

    This means:

    • You can add new or delete existing table relations by picking columns that have a foreign key relation.
    • You can add specific actions for each table relation, like:
    • Picking specific actions will result in different behavior. Please read up what these mean (mostly you want ON UPDATE CASCADE and ON DELETE CASCADE).

    Having table relations in place wil have the following results for Cruddiy:

    • On the Create form the field will be populated with the correct key information.
    • On the Update form: the correct stored value will be preselected but you can still choose (update) different values from the select list.

    Note 1: the table relationship builder is the first step in the Cruddiy CRUD creation process. However it is completely safe to ignore this step and move to the next step! I would even strongly advise doing so if you are not sure what you need to do, because it might break things. Also if you just want one or a couple of simple unrelated forms it is perfectly safe to skip this step.

    Note 2: the table relationship builder is of course just a GUI for something you can also do in PHPMyAdmin or MySQL from the commandline. However, Cruddiy makes it visible and easier to work with table relations.

    Some screenshots:

    Table relation builder. One existing relation. And a couple of dropdown lists to create new ones. Feel free to skip this step by hitting ‘Continue CRUD Creation Process’.
    In the column form columns with foreign keys are indicated by the blue icon.
    A simple two field table. As you can see the second item is preselected (as it should be). However it is still possible to select a different value.
  • Foster: how to build your own bookshelf management web application



    1. Encourage the development of (something, especially something desirable). “the teacher’s task is to foster learning”

    TLDR: I made a personal bookshelf management web application and named it Foster and you can find it here. Here’s what I did — with gifs–, so you might build your own.


    I named it Foster. Because of *this* blog post — it accompanies the application, so it’s self-referential. And also, because I am currently reading David Foster Wallace‘s magnum opus Infinite Jest. And lastly, the word ‘foster’ makes a lot of sense otherwise, just read on πŸ˜‰


    I like to read and I like to buy physical books — and keep them. Over the years I tracked both of these things in a spreadsheet. But this became unmanageable so I needed something else.

    Something like Goodreads but self-hosted. So, preferably a web application where I could:

    • track my reading progress
    • keep track of my bookshelf

    But I couldn’t find anything that fit, so I knew I probably had to roll my own. In simpler times MS Access could do this sort of thing in a heartbeat. But it’s 2019 and I wanted a web application. However I am not a web developer and certainly not a frontend developer.

    But when I came across https://books.hansdezwart.nl/ I knew this was what I was looking for! So I emailed Hans. He was very kind in explaining his application was self-coded and not open-source, but he did provide some pointers. Thanks Hans! So with those tips I built my own application (front and back) from scratch. And I decided to pass the knowledge on, with this blog.

    The Foster fronted (I am still adding books)

    This is what the Foster frontend looks like. It’s pretty self-explanatory: I can search *my* books, track and see reading progress, track collections, click through to book details and see the activity feed (more on that later). Oh, and it’s fast! β™₯


    The five different parts in the frontend are: ‘Search’, ‘Statistics’, ‘Currently reading’, ‘Collections’ and ‘Activity feed’. They are presented as Bootstrap cards. The frontend is just one index.php file with a layout of the cards. All cards (except ‘Search’) are dynamically filled with content expressed as a div class. The class content is generated by one JavaScript function per card, which in turn call a PHP file. And the PHP files just echo raw HTML.

    Other than the index.php file there is one search.php file to make up the frontend. This file takes care of presenting the book details, search output, log and lists views (more on that later). So, most of what can be done and seen in the frontend is handled by the search.php file.

    The frontend itself is of course nothing unique. It’s just a representation of the data. The backend is a bit more interesting!


    The frontend was the easy part. At least it was after I figured out the backend! I spent quite a bit of time thinking about the database design and what the backend would have to do. I thought the design for such a small application wouldn’t be too difficult. But I surprised myself with the number of changes I made to the design, to get it just right. And I wanted to get it right because:

    General rule of thumb: when you start with a good design, everything else that comes after will be a lot easier.

    chrome_2019-11-11_15-19-42.png (885Γ—385)
    Self-explanatory view of the database design

    The multiple foreign-key relations between tables (on ids etc.) are not defined in the database. I choose to do this in the code and the JOIN queries.

    It’s not hard to understand the database design. And yes, the design could be a little tighter — two or three tables — but let me explain!

    Log, actions and states

    One of the main things I spent time thinking about are the actions and their respective states.

    I figured you can do one of five things with a book (actions):

    • You want a book
    • You get/buy/own the book
    • You start reading it
    • You finish reading it
    • You purge/remove/sell/give away the book

    Makes sense right? You could even call it the ‘book life cycle proces‘. With one input and one output.

    HOWEVER! Some books you already own without wanting them first. Or, you can read the same book more than once. Or, you can give a book to a friend, and buy it again for yourself. Or, you can finish reading a book, that you lent — from a friend or library — so it is not on your shelf anymore. All of these things happen. So actually the ‘life cycle’ actions are not a chronological fixed start-to-end tollgate process, it’s continuous and messy.

    Book log

    Every new action is added to the book log. In the frontend the last 25 entries to the book log are presented as the Activity feed. Every action has a timestamp when an action got logged and a date for that action. Which are two different things. So when I now add a book to my shelf that I acquired 4 years ago, the book log timestamp is now, but the date for the action is 4 years ago.

    The Activity feed

    With this log I can keep track of books even after I got rid of them (because selling/purging is just one of the action for a book). This is important because this way I don’t lose the log history of a book.

    Also I can add books to my wanted list even if I have owned them before (maybe I gave them away etc.). And I can start/finish reading the same book more than once. It doesn’t matter, because it is just a log entry.

    Now here’s the interesting thing. With all this log information I can generate four states:

    • Books I want
    • Books I own
    • Books I have read
    • Books I had

    These states are generated by specific hardcoded queries per state. They are generated on the fly by what is in the log file, and where the most recent log records prevail to decide the current status.

    And with all this:

    Foster will track the complete history per book and at all times represent all books I want, own, have read or have owned, at that specific moment in time.


    I could have defined these actions as a list: but lists are simpler. Let me explain.

    I tend to collect and read specific genres of books, e.g. music, management and computer history books. So I tend to organize books like that. These descriptions/genres are all, of course, just lists.

    Some books can be three of these things at the same time: part biography, part computer history part management. So one book can be a member of more than one list.

    In the Foster backend I can add or delete books to and from as many lists as I like.

    Easily adding/deleting books from a list with the same dropdown menu (click for a gif)

    I can also easily create new lists. Say: a list of books that I want for my birthday, or books that are on loan, or books that are signed by the author etc. I just add one new list to my table, and the list will be instantly available in the backend and presented in the frontend.


    In the frontend the action log states and the different lists are grouped together under the Collections card. As stated the first 4 collections are populated from the log, and a book always has a last state. The others are just lists.

    I can create or delete as many lists as I’d like, and it won’t affect the book log. This way I can organize my book collection far better than I could physically (a book can only have one spot on your physical shelf).

    Adding books with the Bol.com API

    This is where the magic happens! Bol.com — a large Dutch book retailer — has a very easy API you can use to query their book database. I use it to search and add books to my collection. With one click I can get most book details: title, ISBN (=EAN), image, description etc. And I can pull them all into my own database. Including the image, which I then copy and store locally. Like this:

    Adding a book via bol.com API (click for a gif)

    Of course I can also edit book details when necessary, or just enter a book by hand without the API. Sometimes Bol.com does not carry a book.


    The bol.com search API is the start page of my backend. The other important backend page is an overview of all my books. Clicking on the titles brings up an edit view of a book. But most importantly I can quickly add or delete books from lists here AND add actions (started reading, finished).

    I have defined jQuery actions on the <select option> dropdown menus, which provide a popup — where I can fill in a date if necessary — and which trigger database inserts (there definitely might be some security concerns here: but the backend is not public).


    The frontend is open for everyone to see. I don’t mind sharing (my podcast list is also public), also because I always enjoy reading other peoples lists or recommendations. The backend is just one .htaccess password protected directory. In my first database design I had a user table with accounts/passwords etc. But the .htaccess file seemed like the easiest/quicker solution for now.


    I built Foster from scratch, no Symphony/Laravel or what have you. And I am a bit annoyed surprised there is still no MS Access RAD equivalent for the web in 2019 (i.e. a all in one tool: from DB design to logic to GUI design to runtime).

    I know Django does most of the backend for you , so I briefly looked at it. But for Foster I still ended up using PHP / MariaDB / Bootstrap 4 / JavaScript / jQuery. It’s a familiar and very portable stack that you can mostly just drop and run anywhere (and most answers are on StackOverflow πŸ€“).

    I’ve thought about using SQLite, but I am very familiar with MySQL/MariaDB so that made more sense. Also I learned more about Bootstrap than I actually cared about, but that’s alright. And I wrote my first serious piece of JavaScript code ever (for the dropdown select actions). So that was fun.

    All in all: I spent a few days pondering the database design in the back of my mind. And 4 evenings programming front and backend. And now I am just polishing little things: which is a lot of fun!

    Further development

    Right now, I still have around 200 more books from my library to catalogue correctly — that’s why some dates are set to 0000-00-00. But here are a few possible new features I am thinking about:

    • RSS feed for the activity log? Now that I am bulk adding books the activity feed is not so relevant, but when things settle down, who knows, people might be interested. After I wrote a draft of this blog I implemented it!
    • Twitter integration? Posting the log to a dedicated Twitter feed.
    • Adding books by scanning the barcode / ISBN with your phone camera? If I can just get the ISBN I can automate bol.com API to do the rest. Might speed things up a bit (and might be useful when you run a secondhand bookstore πŸ˜‰). I created an iOS shortcut that does exactly this! It scans the book barcode/ISBN/EAN and opens the Foster edit.php URL with this ISBN number and from there I can add the book by clicking ‘Add’ (all book details are available and prefilled by the Bol.com API). It’s great!
    • Storing/tracking more than books? CDs, DVDs, podcasts I listened too, movies I watched etc.
    • Multi-user? In the first database design there were multiple users that could access / add the books that were already in the database but still create their own log and lists. I think I could still add this to the current design.
    • As you can see in the database design, there is a remarks table. I haven’t used this table. A remark is a ‘blog’ (or a short self-written review) of a book, that can be presented with the book details. This is a one-to-many relationship, because you might want to make new remarks each time you reread a book. But, I currently blog about every book I read, so the remarks might be just an embedded blog link?

    Just share the source already!

    “Foster looks nice. Please share the code!” No, sorry, for several reasons.

    1. I made Foster specifically for me. So chances that it will fit your needs are slim and you would probably still need to make changes. In this post I share my reasoning, but you should definitely try to build your own thing!
    2. When Foster was almost done, I learned about prepared statements (did I mention I am not a web developer?)… so I had to redo the frontend. But I haven’t redone the backend (yet): so it’s not safe from SQL injections or other pretty bad coding standards. Open sourcing it can of course generate code improvements, but it would first make my site vulnerable.
    3. But most importantly: Building a web application to scratch your own personal itch and learning new things can be one of the most fun and rewarding experiences you will have! And I hope this blog is useful to you, in achieving that goal.
  • PHP: how did it become so popular?

    PHP empowers a gigantic part of the internet. So it is, by definition, a very popular (i.e. prevalent) language. But it also very popular (i.e. well-liked) to dislike PHP as a — serious — language.

    This could be explained as one of the side effects of that same popularity. With great exposure, comes greater scrutiny. But that would be too easy.

    Picture of probably one of the most pragmatic people on the internet ❀

    Because when discussing PHP as a serious computer programming language there are serious arguments of what PHP exactly lacks as a language. And of course a lot of these things are fuel for endless, and useless, debate. Also because even the author of PHP, Rasmus Lerdorf, would probably agree on most!

    It seems like a popular past time to debate everything that is bad about PHP. So over the years there have been several (viral) blogposts about this: here, here, here and here (which spawned this great response).

    Even with all the changes made to PHP in recent years, this is still a common sentiment regarding PHP. This is also illustrated by a recent remark from highly respected programmer Drew DeVault:

    So PHP certainly has it fair share of critique (it is no Lisp!).

    So why is it so popular?

    I certainly have NO need to add my two cents to this debate. But I am VERY interested to investigate why and how PHP — a widely criticised language — became so incredibly popular.

    But you don’t have to read this post, because Rasmus Lerdorf explains it rather well in the first part of this next video. (There is also another video of the same talk at a different location, but the slides are easier to follow in this one.)


    I thought the talk was very interesting and he drops some killer quotes, so I highly recommend it! For easy reference, here follow the key slides and quotes from his presentation that, in my opinion, help answer the question how PHP became so popular. Of course this may be a biased view (he is the creator) but I am open to different views.

    C API for the web

    My grand scheme was to write a C API for the web. So to abstract away all the web specific things that you needed to know to get your business logic up online.

    Rasmus Lerdorf

    This was the plan.

    Straight away Rasmus explains he never intended to design a “full-blown” real programming language, but more a templating system. And he wasn’t happy with CGI.pm (“simply writing HTML in another language”). He wanted a C API for the web, where he abstracted away all boiler plate stuff he always needed to write when making a web application. The idea being that the business logic would be written in a real language (C or C++). And PHP was the templating language to present the data. However “the web moved too fast and there weren’t enough C developers in the world”. And with this, his programming language (by request) grew.

    What is most striking about this remark, is his dedication towards the end goal: get your business logic online! This initial, pragmatic approach is something that returns time and time again in the development of PHP. With PHP being a means to an end. Just another tool. Nothing to be religious about.

    6 months

    Rasmus also explains, more than once, that even though he added features he was never under the impression that this little language would survive. In the first few years he was thoroughly convinced it would only last about six more months before something better would come along. And that something would solve the very real problems his language could already solve.

    Therefore he also states that for the first 5 to 7 years PHP was “NOT a language, it was a templating system”. But apparently that something never did and reluctantly his templating system grew into a programming language (with recursion and all that).

    LAMP wasn’t an accident

    However, for someone who was convinced his templating system would die off within six month, he was exceptionally good in making the right decisions in improving the further adoption of PHP.

    The right calls!

    mod_php is probably the most important decision from all of these. It made certain that PHP would tie in nicely with Linux, Apache en MySQL and thus create one of the most powerful (free) software stacks ever. Rasmus is very clear on why he thought it was necessary to become an integral part of this ecosystem. Say what you will, but he definitely made the right call here.

    mod_perl was too late to the game. And too complex and expensive (you needed a single box in a time when VMs where not a thing) when it did arrive. Python (the other P) had a different focus and things like Django were many years in the future. But there are more choices Rasmus made that worked, and that the early web clearly needed:

    More right calls.

    Speed and efficiency

    PHP is amazingly good at running crap code.

    Rasmus Lerdorf

    Anybody with a good idea, could put their idea online and this has made the web a much much better place.

    Rasmus Lerdorf

    PHP is probably the most pragmatic language ever. A kind of pragmatism that lowers the barrier to entry. Which creates one of the main points of criticism. Because it makes for bad programmers. Programmers that dont really know what they’re doing because PHP does all the work for them. You can discuss this all your can, but one thing is clear: Rasmus knows who uses his language and makes certain to lower as many barriers as he can.


    Rasmus is of course a very intelligent guy, he knows all this. He also explains some of the reasons of strange language design decisions he made. Some have a good explanation, others he fully admits he made the wrong decision. Admirably his ego is also subjected to pragmatism.

    Some decisions are up for debate.

    Pragmatic Hypertext Preprocessor

    PHP is a tool. PHP is not important, what you do with it is important.

    Rasmus Lerdorf

    Arguing about the color of the hammer used to built that thing is just moronic. We can’t lose track of what we’re doing here why we’re programming. We’re programming to solve a problem and hopefully it’s a problem that actually matters.

    Rasmus Lerdorf

    PHP is not going away. Why? Because some of the things that PHP solves, are not yet solved by any other language (don’t add me). I am comp-sci graduate, and even though I program very little and I have probably written more code in PHP code than any other language. I am not building big important business applications, most of the time I just want something online (from a database) and I want it fast! And PHP is my hammer. Time and time again I try to look at other things. And I get it. There is serious critique. But if you want to change that, you can! Nobody is stopping you. So stop complaining and get to it. Even though I don’t share the otherwise harsh tone of this post I do share that building something compelling is up for grabs!

    And when someone finally does that, then maybe Rasmus — after 25 years — will finally get his wish. It just took a little bit longer than six months.

  • Gid – Get it done!

    Last weekend I built a personal ToDo app. Partly as an excuse to mess around a bit with all this ‘new and hip’ Web 2.0 technology (jQuery and Bootstrap) πŸ™ˆ

    But mostly because I needed one, and I couldn’t find a decent one.

    Yes, I designed the icon myself. Can you tell?


    Decent in my opinion would be:

    1. Self hosted
    2. Self contained
    3. Use a plain text file
    4. Mobile friendly
    5. Able to track / see DONE items

    And Gid does just that (and nothing more).

    1. Any PHP enabled webserver will do.
    2. No need for third party tools, everything you need is right here (Bootstrap and jQuery are included).
    3. No database setup or connection is necessary. Gid writes to plain text files that can be moved and edited by hand if needed (like todotxt.org).
    4. Works and looks decent on a smartphone.
    5. The DONE items are still visible with a strike through.

    I had fun, learned quite a few new things (web development is not my day job) and me and my wife now share our grocery list with this app!

    The biggest headache was getting iOS to consistently and correctly handle input form submit events. Being a touch device, this is somehow still a thing in 2019. Thanks Stack Overflow! Anyway, this is what it looks like on my iPhone.

    Web development

    This was mainly an interesting exercise to try to understand how PHP, Javascript/jQuery and Bootstrap work together on a rather basic level and how with Ajax you are able to manipulate the DOM. I deliberately used an older tech stack, thinking a lot of problems would be solved, however (as explained) some things still seem to be a thing. Also, what I was trying to do is just very, very basic and still I feel somehow this should be way easier! There are a lot of different technologies involved that each have their own specifics and that all have to work together.

    Code is on Github: do as you please.

    (P.S. Yes, the name. I know.)